What is PeaceLab?
PeaceLAB is a workshop, an experience of a possible distant future, and at the same time a game that teaches you something useful for the present.
You will explore New Pangea as a time traveller who lands with his spaceship in a happy era where climate change, migration, human rights violations and wars are archaeology relegated to museums.

You will be able to visit one of these museums, which hold the memories of the 21st century, the memories of vanished coastal cities, the stories of people forced to flee because of war, climate change, persecution, and finally you will be able to interview Nobel Peace Prize winners who lived in that distant era and acted to improve it.
You are the protagonist of this exploration: enter the game, choose your avatar and discover this new world.
WARNING! culture and truth are powerful and addictive drugs!
N.B. The game needs a Persona Computer / laptop or interactive whiteboard. The game does not work on mobile phones or tablets.
PeaceLAB is a project funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU - PNRR Digital Transition Cultural and Creative Bodies - TOCC0002521, CUP C47J23001710008, COR 15913535
Mission 1 - Digitisation, Innovation, Competitiveness and Culture, Component 3 - Culture 4.0 (M1C3), Investment 3.3, Sub-Investment 3.3.2.
The action is promoted by the Ministry of Culture - General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity and managed by S.p.A - Invitalia.
The PeaceLAB project is carried out by the social cooperative "Il Salone dei Rifiutati" in collaboration with the Foundation "City of Peace for Children Basilicata", Effenove S.r.l.s, It Consulent.
PeaceLAB is a project project implemented by:
- Il Salone dei Rifiutati: Coordinator of the PeaceLab TOCC0002521 project and beneficiary of grants for the implementation of a digital transition programme for cultural and creative organisations.
- Sara Stolfi (project manager);
- Rossana Cafarelli (coordinator of the PeaceLab software implementation activities);
- Martina Vaccaro (junior expert);
- Fondazione Città della Pace per i bambini Basilicata (City of Peace Foundation for Children Basilicata): provision of know-how and educational multimedia content (photographic exhibitions, artistic installations, videos, didactic methodologies).
- Valerio Giambersio (co-ordination of co-planning activities and transfer of know-how);
- Erika Penzo (junior expert);
- Kaoutar Smaaili (trainee);
- Effenove: realisation of Digital Software “PeaceLab” .
- Michele Scioscia (Direzione artistica e creativa)
- Marica Berterame (Design dell'interfaccia utente)
- Antonio Marino, Rosario Pio Di Carlo (Software development e animazione cineprese)
- Michele Scioscia, Sara Armentano (3D Digital sculpting e animazione 3D)
- Marica Berterame, Flavia Pizzuti, Sara Armentano (3D/2D art, texturing e rendering)
- Artist Hub (AI Sound e Voice Over)
- IT Consulent: realisation, implementation and updating of the 'PeaceLab' website
- Giovanni Grimaldi (Webmaster).
- "IO SONO" multimedia project by Luisa Menazzi Moretti, produced by the City of Peace Foundation - 2017.
- "HUMAN LINK" multimedia and theatrical project produced by Fondazione Città della Pace and CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del Friuli Venezia Giulia - director Rita Maffei, Prof. Raffaella Cantore of the University of Basilicata and the International Jacques Maritain Institute - dramaturgical texts, Giovanni Lancellotti video - 2018.
- ATLANTI BABELICI handmade artist's books: 1. Genova – Francesca Bisetton, 2. Napoli – Daniela Pegreffi, 3. Salerno – Resli Tale, 4. Maratea (PZ) – Carla Viparelli, 5. Reggio Calabria –Messina – Francesco Vaccaro, 6. Palermo – Edizioni Precarie di Carmela Dacchille, 7. Catanzaro lido – Massimo Sirelli, 8. Metaponto (MT) – Giovanni Cafarelli, 9. Bari – ZicZic di Lilia Angela e Silvia Tarantini.